Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Yesterday's Spring Fling

At 4:00 yesterday we had a huge water slide, water balloons, and tug-o-war. The tug-o-wars middle consisted of whipped topping, peaches, marshmallows, and sprinkles, so if your team lost then you would be piled into the delicious toppings. Which were delicious by the way because I tasted them. Then at 6:00 there was an eating contest. The first challenge was hot dogs that I participated in. I didn't eat many because I had just eaten supper. I cheated, however, by throwing the hot dogs behind me. I still didn't win, and wasn't trying to, it was just funny. So then it was Twinkie time. Yeah, 2 people threw up. It was awesome. Nasty. But awesome.

A praise: the Supreme Court ruled yesterday that partial birth abortion is now illegal in every state in the United States. Thank goodness!

We need to remember to continue praying for Virginia Tech. The campus minister had me make a sign yesterday that said, "You are in our thoughts and prayers," and the whole school was able to sign it. We are going to send it to them at the end of the week.

Well, until we meet again, Adieu.

PS-this week is MEGA stressful to me, so please pray for me and my sanity.

PPS-Chapel today was AMAZING! (yes, Steve and Ruth, amazing) A professor on campus (Dr. Norvell-religion) has been having a dream for several years and has been more detailed in the last couple of weeks. So he shared it with us. He was first standing in an arena and then it started changing to the gym at WBC. He was preaching to us (WBC students.) He said that he is not a preacher, but in his dream he was preaching. So today he preached to us exactly what he has been preaching in his dream. He "preached" to us with tears rolling down his face. He simply said, "Repent." But he said it about 100 times. It was so powerful, people, including me began kneeling at the bottom of the bleachers praying and weeping. One simple word set out campus on fire. AMEN! It was incredible. Thank you Jesus.


me said...

How awesome was that chapel!!! That is what they should always be like, but I think they have lost track.

Laura and Matt said...

Yay for the Supreme Court Ruling!
Yay for great chapel time!